See It First

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Taken by Desire Part 1

Footsteps echoing across the pavement, you slowly make your way through the open corridor. Door by door, your eyes seek out three metal numbers indicating the source of your dread. Much like a blind date, your stomach turns with each step, pulling you closer to an unknown. One you hadn’t planned on. One… you are tempted to turn away from.

Thoughts and memories replay through your mind. You shake your head, still uncertain how you let your friends talk you into this. It’s certainly nothing you’d ever imagined yourself doing. And yet… the appeal lingers, pulling at some strange arousal you can’t quite grasp.

It’d been over a year since you lost her. A lonely, somewhat reckless year. Alcohol and chaos surrounded by darkness and bleakness. The old saying “It is better to have loved and lost, then never loved at all” was all too familiar. And all too wrong. Even now, the bitterness and pain were too much to think about, and yet too deeply ingrained to completely put aside.

Maybe they were right. Maybe… Just maybe… It was time to do something. Anything. And what better way then to do something so completely out of character, such as now. Your steps falter. Who are you kidding? You can’t do this. Can you?

With nervous fingers, you remove a small piece of paper from your coat pocket.
Room 107
Do not be late

Not much to go off of. Even the elongated writing didn’t tell much about this stranger you were about to meet. Taking a deep breath, you replace the note and once again move towards the doorway.

Room 105 passes by and your stomach spins around faster. Your pulse races as you move to face your stop, hand raising up so you can look at the time. In truth, you’re looking for another excuse to not knock on the door. You’re looking for a way out, but your stubbornness keeps reminding you that a commitment was made. But a commitment for what exactly?

Your eyes are drawn to an envelope pinned to the door, near the knocker. Unsure, you take it down and read a familiar handwriting.
Walk away now, or no looking back.

What did that mean? Your mind races. It’s like a blind date, only better! Your friends were relentless in their persistence. Time and again you told them no. There was no way you were going to meet a strange woman at some motel outside of town. It was insane to even consider such an offer! And yet, here you were… Staring blankly at an unopened envelope.

Walk away… Closing your eyes, you can see the words floating across your vision. Yes, you whisper to yourself. This is ridiculous. You should just walk away. But, your legs didn’t budge. As if they had a mind of their own, your fingers slowly pry the envelope apart, remove the paper and begin to unfold it.

It’s not too late, your mind reels. Walk away.
Step inside, hang up your coat
To your right, is a blindfold
Cover your eyes
And wait…

Swallowing hard, your hand reaches for the doorknob. Once more, thoughts of retreat pass through your mind. Noted… Dismissed.


Stepping inside, the room is dimly lit with candles spread randomly throughout. Glancing around, your first thought is you’re alone. She must have stepped out. Maybe it was all just some elaborate prank. Turn around and leave, a voice in your head replays. You glance to the side, and see two hooks. The first is empty, but quickly filled by your coat. The second, dangles a cloth blindfold waiting to be tied around your head.

Without thought, without realizing it, the door is closed and somehow your eyes are cloaked in darkness and you’re standing sill. You hear nothing, but the air is suddenly full of a strange energy. Once more, thoughts of retreat echo and fade.

A soft touch glides down your arm, barely noticeable through your shirt. A shiver spreads from the sensation throughout your body. Taking a trembling breath, you try to search for whoever is near you.

“Who’s there?” You weakly manage. Silence.

She takes your hand and guides you several uncertain steps, into the middle of the room. Dim halo’s of dancing light peer through the blindfold, but reveal nothing. You can hear her soft footsteps on the carpet and realize she’s no longer standing near you.

A strange noise catches your attention and you move your head in its direction. “What’s going on?”

A jolt of surprise springs through you as something slips onto your wrist and your arm is pulled behind your back. Quickly, before you even have time to process what’s happening and pull away, she binds both hands together.

“Wait a minute,” you protest, spinning yourself around. You try to pull free of the bindings, but they only seem to tighten. A whisper of a laugh brushes across your ear. You whip around again, unsure where she’s at, or what to do.
Breathing deeply, your mouth opens to yell, but it quickly filled with something hard. Skilled hands buckle the gag firmly into place, ignoring your struggling and jerks. Suddenly, you’re filled with a sense of helplessness… and panic. This wasn’t part of the deal!

There was no deal; your inner voice seems to mock you. But it’s the truth. No one told you what to expect. No one said anything about what was going to happen. They just grinned with secret knowledge, promising you an incredible night.

Pulse racing, you try to back away from whoever this stranger was. Find the door. A window. Signal somehow that you were being…Being what? Kidnapped? You came to this place on your own accord. Held prisoner? What did you think was going to happen when you entered and put on a blindfold?

Butterflies quickly turned into waves of anxiety. You couldn’t hear her, but you know she was still there, in the room, somewhere. Taking slow steps backwards, you try to get your bearings, but you’ve moved around so much every direction is no where.

Another step backwards and without warning you’re stumbling and falling onto the bed. She’s there, as if she knew where you’d end up, waiting to slip your feet through loops and pulling them tightly to the corners of the bed.

Dazed. Confused. Scared…You’re prey to her will. A whimper? A groan? A shiver.

She’s wrapping something around your wrists again, and as she releases one binding, another quickly pulls both your arms up and out. You try to protest again, but only find a ball blocking your way.

Tied down, spread eagle on the bed, all you can do is lay there and wait. There’s no point in struggling. Whatever’s used to bind you only seems to tighten. Silence.

For what seems like an eternity, uncertain of what’s to come, you lay there and try to think of some way to get loose. Every noise draws your attention, but nothing reveals who this stranger is, where she may be, or what she intends to do. Horrible images of torture and death dance on the edge of your consciousness.

Stars sparkle brightly, a sweet aroma drifts through the air. For a moment, you’re floating in a dream. Peace and calm… followed by a brief moment of panic and realization, just before slipping into a dark oblivion.

Soft music calls to you. Mozart strings his melody around your body, pulling you slowly into a wakeful consciousness. Your eyes dart open and are blocked by blackness. You groan, remembering where you are. And a dull ache at your wrist and ankles let you know that you are still very much, her prisoner.

The bed moves and hands glide their way from your shoulder down to your hips. Your body shivers as you realize something’s changed. Something’s different, and you… are not only her helpless captive, but naked as well.

You try to speak. Jaws tighten and release, aching with strain around the ball gag. She softly laughs and drags her nails up the side of your body. Why won’t she speak? Why won’t she tell you what she wants? Why is this happening?!

Because let it. Once more, your own voice mocks you with the truth.

Her soft hands caress your skin, tracing every line and curve of your arms, chest and stomach. She drags her nails across your waistline, softly chuckling as you squirm. You try to somehow move away, to no avail. But worse still, you try to deny that she is slowly taunting you into arousal.

It’s not uncommon for a rape victim’s body to respond to it’s attacker. You’re not sure how, or why, the thought crosses your mind. You try to shake it away, telling yourself it’s not true, but there’s no denying the fact that as she touches you, your cock is growing harder.

As if reading your thoughts, she pushes her hand down your stomach and into your groin. First, she tangles her fingers in the hair and gently pulls and tugs them away. You can’t help it. Your hips move on their own, rocking upwards towards her. Taking a shaky breath, you groan against the gag.

You can’t help it. You can’t deny it. Your body wants her to take it in her hand. And somehow, you know… she knows it.

Taking her time, she draws her fingers in lazy circles, inches above your hardness. Splaying her fingers, she pushes down, making sure to move on both sides of you, but not touch. Even as you rock towards her, she pulls back and teases your hair once more.

She giggles and for a brief moment her touch leaves your skin. But it isn’t long before your body trembles once more, her fingernails tracing the inside of your thigh. Up and down, slightly brushing your sack, but being careful not to actually touch it.

Your cock, hard and swollen, throbs in rhythm with your pulse. Fear is swallowed by need. Please, for heaven’s sake, why doesn’t she just get it over with?!

And why… do you want her to so badly?

The bed creaks and she moves away from you. You can hear her movement, but aren’t sure exactly what she’s doing. You shiver, your imagination once again throwing random images of brutality.

Moments turn into minutes, and minutes turn into the door opening… and locking closed. Silence.

There’s no doubt in your mind that she has left you alone in the room. Naked, aching with an unwanted, but desperate need you suddenly become afraid again. Not afraid of what she’s going to do to you, or how you’re going to get out of this mess. No, this is a new fear.

You should be relieved that she’s gone. Maybe that was all there was to it, and embarrassing as it might be, all that would be left to do would be wait for the maid to find you and cut you free. Should… but aren’t. No, you’re afraid of something you shouldn’t even be thinking.

Is she coming back?

And it’s not that you’re scared she’s going to come back. You’re scared that she might not.

Anger and frustration mingle with the unknown. This woman tied you up against your will. She drugged you, and stripped you bare. She made you her prisoner and made you think dreadful things were going to happen. And you… were afraid she wasn’t going to come back.

You begin to move your head against the bed, hoping to somehow pry the blindfold loose. If you could just get a glimpse of where you were. Maybe you could make sense of this. Maybe you could figure out what to do.

But did you really want to do anything?

Cursing yourself, you try to silence the voice in your head. It’s ridiculous. There’s no way you wanted this to happen. It’s insane to even think that you could ever want a stranger, that you didn’t even know what she looked like, to…

To what? Have sex with you against your will? Keep you as her prisoner and do whatever she wanted with you?

Pulsing. Throbbing. Aching. Nothing you could say or do would change the fact that you were more aroused now then you’d ever been in your life. Secretly, you’d always wished the women in your life would be more aggressive in the bedroom. But, not like this!


Frustrated, you struggle against your bindings, only pulling them tighter. Sharp pain slices through your joints and you scream against the gag, letting your body relax. Well, most of it.

There was no mistaking the arousal in your loins, or how hot and hard your cock had become. And even worse, there was no denying how desperately you wished she would come back… and finish the job.


“UGH! Fucking bitch! Get back here and either untie me, or make me fucking cum!” It doesn’t matter that gurgles and mumbles are all that come out. You can’t help it.

More time passes by, and your mind still lingers on the feel of her touch. You try to block it out, try to rid yourself of this strange arousal, but your body won’t have any of it. Still afire, it wants more.

Time loses itself when you’re alone and unable to move. Thoughts move at a racing pace, then the next minute they seem to float by in slow motion. You can’t help but wonder how long you’ve been here alone, or how long it’ll be until someone either finds you, or she comes back.

Your stomach growls, and for a moment you’re able to forget your situation and wonder how you’re going to get something to eat. IF, you’re going to get something to eat. And for a fleeting moment, you seem to come to your senses and worry about your predicament.

Groaning against the gag, you try to shift on the bed. Being in one position for so long is starting to make your body stiff and achy. You cringe as your restraints bite into your skin, and slam your head against the mattress in frustration. Growling, you bite down on the gag; the only act of resistance you can do without adverse affects.

Then you hear it. A soft click. You freeze, not sure what to do. Part of you shivers with anticipation, your cock stiffening once more. There’s no telling how long you’d been unconscious to start with, and added to the length of time you’d been left alone, it could be the maid coming to clean the room.

You brace yourself, almost afraid the next thing you’re going to hear is a shocked scream. Mind reeling with thoughts of explanation, excuses to explain your unusual condition, you’re oblivious to your surroundings until a hand presses down against your cock, forcing his flat between your thighs.

You jump with shock and swallow groan. Mixed feelings surround her return and you try not to focus on the various what ifs your imagination is throwing at you.

Movement in the room seems louder then it had before, and suddenly a coldness is being laid across your chest. No, not across… On. Round and hard. Metal perhaps? The gag is loosened and pulled away. A glass is being carefully pressed to your lips, and water softens your dry mouth. Gratefully, you drink it down, every drop offered to you.

Taking a deep breath, all you can manage is a breathless “Thank you.” And rest your head back against the bed.

She doesn’t answer, and before you can even contemplate calling out, she reaches her hand down and squeezes your balls hard. You gasp and feel the ball gag being forced through your teeth and strapped on tight.

You groan against it, and try to protest, but once more all that comes out are strange sounds that even you can’t make heads or tails of.

The tray on your chest clanks as something is put down on it. And again. You can feel it slightly wobble as you breath in and out, but it’s large enough that it stays in place. Clenching your eyes tight, you listen for her to move away then begin to squirm. Sure enough, the tray rocks and it doesn’t take much before you feel it slip sideways and clutter on the bed beside you.

Sharp and quick, pain pinpoints across your inner thigh, leaving a hot red streak burning across your flesh. You try to cry out, and feel yet another stripe. A third leaves it mark, this time coming every so close to your cock that your entire body tenses, waiting in dread of where the next one will fall.

You jump as her lips brush next to your ear, whispering in hiss. “Be. Still.” She emphasizing each word individually, the replaces the tray and whatever objects fell with it.

Your heart feeling like it’s ready to leap through your throat, you tremble on the bed. Your leg stings, but for the moment your thoughts are frozen on the tray, afraid to move for fear it might accidentally fall off.

Her hand reaches for your foot and slides up the full length of your leg. Her skin is wet and cold as it moves slowly towards your inner thighs. You shiver as she brushes your sack, then moves down towards the bed, pressing down towards your ass.

Her wet finger makes a slow circle, applying slight pressure. Your body tightens, but you can feel her fingernail slowly penetrating. The tip of her finger lingers for a moment before she retracts it, and forcing something hard and freezing into your ass. You gasp and without thought jerk upwards, once more sending the tray flying to the side.

Shaking your head, you desperately try to apologize. You didn’t mean to! You were trying to hold still. You couldn’t help it!

Your ass clenched tightly, you shiver with the coldness. But it’s soon forgotten as once more you’re feeling fiery stripes across your thigh. Three more, dangerously close to your cock.

Again, she replaces the tray and the objects, and leans in to hiss at you. “I said… Be. Still.”

Desperately you try to communicate with her. Futile are your gagged efforts. Your entire body shivers. But it’s not fear driving it. No. You’re shivering because you’re suddenly overwhelmed with a cold sensation